Who Is Jamie Sturmann?
All bookmakers agree that Jamie Sturmann has made some of the best bets ever seen in an online casino. And yet, many of his fellow bookmakers cannot agree on which of his bets has been his best. Do these bookmakers need to be serious about Poker Betting? Or is it just that they don't like one another?
Although his record as a bookmaker is unmatched, he is no doubt the number one bookmaker in the online world. He has made more money for his bookmakers than any other person in the last two years. His customers have been loyal and well-represented. He has been and will continue to be the top online bookmaker for some time. In fact, the online industry seems to have a tendency to reward the most successful bettors.
For some people, Poker Betting can be a serious business. However, many more people who play the game on a casual basis simply enjoy it. They see it as a way to make a little extra money every now and then. So while some of his customers may not like him, his online reputation is a far cry from his offline one. Click Here bookmakers stranieri paypal
Many of the bookmakers who continue to stay with the big names of the industry choose to leave the competition of Jamie Sturmann and work their own businesses from home. While there are others who still don't like him. They simply will not acknowledge his achievements.
Online casinos, although welcoming of competitors, often penalize their favorite players. Why would the business owner of an online casino choose to ban the bookmaker of his choice? Probably because the online casino feels that it doesn't need bookmakers, they are just a distraction, thus eliminating them from his business.
These bookmakers may not be true bookmakers. Some of them may claim to be, but no one can prove that they are. The very fact that they make money and promote the same company is enough proof that they are bookmakers. There is only one way to tell whether you are a bookmaker and that is by paying to sign up with them.
When a bookmaker has helped to create one of the most successful online gambling games ever, there is no reason why he cannot be called a poker expert. When his style of betting has enabled a player to become the top winner in a poker tournament, his bookmakers would certainly be able to call him a winner. They can all be called a winner if they sign up with them.
Poker Betting is simply gambling. People choose to play it for different reasons. Some like to try and see if they can make it rich gambling and some just enjoy playing with their friends and winning. Either way, they choose to gamble and they must abide by the rules of the game.